Friday, December 08, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Blue Collars. Oh my!

It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.—John Philpot Curran

I have added another blog to the sidebar. Its name is The Blue Collar Republican. The title itself appeals to me as I am a working stiff myself. To give credit where credit is due, my friend, Dave, over at My Green Hell happened upon this site and has been linking to it quite regularly. BCR has also, to their credit, added Dave to their list of writers to weigh in on matters of the 2nd amendment – a fine piece of legislation that is very near and dear to my own heart. BCR is a politically minded, conservative blog with multiple authors that aim to give a voice and hope to a large cross section of our country – the working man and woman.

This is from the BCR on what their primary focus is:

For decades now the Republican Party has had it’s mainstream message and there are plenty of forums out there for them to get that message out. This site will give voice to the issues and opinions of those who are normally classified as swing voters who since Ronald Reagan tend to vote Republican. Many vote Democratic or Independent in local elections but on the National level tend to vote Republican if there is no alternative. Figures such as Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan offered alternatives as Independents that attracted many of these voters. Yet, many gave up on voting in years past because none of the above really interested them.
This site hopes to give the section of America commonly called the Blue Collar class a voice. It will include a blog that activists for particular areas of interest to that segment of our population. Why? Because the mainstream tends to push their concerns and views to the side in deference to their own agenda.

Your ideas for the growth and scope of the site are always welcome. The main idea is to give you, the working class, a voice.

After viewing many of their posts and discussions, I find myself more to the right than they on a few issues only, and for those they have an open and polite forum for discussion. I encourage you to go and give them a look and don't hesitate to join in on a topic you find interesting. Educate yourself and let your voice be heard.

Sonorous metal blowing martial sounds:
At which the universal host up sent
A shout that tore hell’s concave, and beyond
Frighted the reign of Chaos and old Night.
John Milton

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