Thursday, January 25, 2007

Get yerself over there...

Working on a post, but this ain't it. Here is some stuff worth reading.

My friend, Dave Bean, is pumping out quality prose at such a pace that I am getting down-right jealous. I couldn't write like that if I had a full month of sober and Strunk and White editing my rambles! If you haven't been my Poppa used to say, GO ON GITONOUTTAHEER!

When your are done with that, you need to jump over to Blue Collar Republican and get an eyeful of news and opinion. After that you will need something to keep that aneurysm, that will be pushing against your skull, from exploding; I would recommend going over and reading another southerner's blog posts that will have you laughing so hard you will damn near swallow your tongue. His name is Liam Jackson and he is a published author of a book called, Offspring. I haven't read it yet, but I plan on picking it up as soon as the Mrs. gives me my allowance.

Talk to ya soon.

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