I had intended to write about something entirely different tonight until I came across this article. It appears a group of armed gunmen stormed a site manned by National Guardsmen in Arizona. “Those guardsman were forced to retreat”.
Although I won't attempt to “arm-chair quarterback” the engagement, there are some serious questions I would like answered. The first and most pressing, from where I am sitting, is what was our immediate response to this incursion? Have we sent more Guardsmen and/or Active Duty detachments, air support, etc. Have we changed the R.O.E. for all border sites along our southern line of demarcation? If you click on the link at the top of the article, it will show you video press coverage of the incident. I am wondering what role the Guardsmen were there to fulfill as it says they called in Border Patrol for assistance. I would like to know what profile these “illegals” fit into. Were they Mexican military? Now before you go calling me paranoid, let me (as my bro Dave likes to say) lay one on you.
First, why don't you take a trip over to The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and take a gander at article and accompanying video here.
When you are done with that, you can go here and read the article that has me so confused with statements, like this one, from Rafael Laveaga (spokesman for the Mexican Embassy).
"I strongly deny any incursions by the Mexican military as inaccurate allegations," Mr. Laveaga said. "The Mexican military is a well-respected institution with strict rules on how to control Northern Mexico. It maintains a protocol of not going within a mile of the border, and those who would trespass would be severely punished."
Now try here. So get bent, I am not out of line in asking about a military presence.
Not only do we have illegals who can get through our borders with less trouble than I have getting through the ticket counter at Disney, we also have a uniformed foreign military running 'heavy' cover for drug operations.
This is beyond ludicrous. Sir George and company have our brother's and sister's on the other side of the world, dying for the freedom of foreigners and the sovereignty of their new nation – “for your safety and mine”. At the same time we have a foreign military on U.S. Soil, a foreign civilian population coming in droves (read Reconquista and look up The Plan Of Aztlan) and our Georgy is doing what about it?
What the hell are you talking about? George is protecting us. You are right, he isn't involved in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Oh wait, he helped spear-head it. Sovereignty. We don't need that, do we? Bush and company are holding America's skirt over her head and selling our ass, one piece at a time, to the highest bidders.
We better get off of our collective duff and elect some officials that are Americans in more than just title. Some might be perfectly fine with Mexamericanada and figuring the conversion rates for the Amero, but I sure as hell am not.
To our volunteer militia with boots on the ground protecting all of us - thank you. Stay safe out there and keep your powder dry.
1 comment:
Our commander-in-chief has abandoned us on the issue of immigration. Once he labeled the Minutemen as 'vigilantes' he lost me. I say this as a child of immigrants, who came to this country to escape Communism. They waited ten years for their citizenship. And they raised us to love this country. Until we see corporate chiefs led out in handcuffs, this problem of illegal aliens will not go away. I for one am keeping the powder dry.
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