Since Toy Story, I have loved the eye candy that CG art can provide. One day, I think the human actor will be replaced with one made of pixels. Then no more Baldwins, Penns, *insert nearly any ass-monkey actor you wish here* - that will be a wonderful day indeed. I know, I know, I am a dreamer.
These aren't very good, but later I will post new ones as I progress. And if you don't like it, don't look! If you want to see a bigger picture of ugly, I believe you can click on the picture for a larger version.
Helm. Just an attempt to model something that looks like it might be a gladiator style noggin bell.

Organic models are much more difficult, as is apparent by these substandard attempts. Yes, you are quite astute, he has no eyes. That is because I haven't figured out that part yet. No, I don't know who "he" is. Just some face stuck in my brain or maybe it belongs to one of those voices that just won't go away.

Anatomy study. This one hasn't progressed to the texturing and painting stage yet. As you can tell, there are all kind of offenses to the eye in this one. All I can do is continue to chip away at it. I must say it is fun and rewarding when something starts to take shape and become recognizable. You will note that I chose to use our law-makers, in Virginia, as reference subjects for this model's nether regions.

Well, there you have it. These are the ones I am least embarrassed to post on my blog. The rest are just atrocious.
Oh and one last thing. While I can think of no reason why anyone would want to take these images and use them for anything, I must point out that these images are copyrighted to me, Alan Deal.
Talk to ya soon.
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