Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Down but not out!

{Hysterical Laughter} – ALIVE, IT's ALIVE.

Down but not out! It is good to be back. I just wanted to drop a quick post to let you know that I am not actually dead or incarcerated. Things have gotten a little haywire, but the dust is finally settling. Leaking roof, broken torsion springs, broken pipes, burnt up thermostat, a bout of the crud, and finally a computer that went udders vertical – the “man” has been trying (unsuccessfully) to keep me down. After making a new tin-foil hat, with a lead paint lining, everything has gotten better. :-)

It took some doing but I am back up and will be posting tonight. Talk to ya soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Man", as you say, isn't behind any of your woes ... It's written, "He came that you might have life & that more abundant." Or, did you have a different man in mind?
