Monday, February 19, 2007


No, I have not been arrested, deported, kidnapped, or gotten high on mushroom tea and run off to join a nudist colony. What I have done, is join the My Space community. You nailed it; bringing down the quality of the blogosphere was not enough to sate my maniacal plan of brainwashing my fellows and starting a beer drinking cult of misfits. I have targeted My Space to aid in the spread my virtual fungus. No use spraying your screen with jock-itch-be-gone as I have built up an immunity to these types of assaults.

I am proud to announce that I have been invited to join a writer’s circle of fellow southerners whose literary talent far exceeds my own; the name of which is to be “The Southern Literary Syndicate”. Within this circle you will find published authors (I am sure my friend, Dave Bean, will be among the published members when his book is completed), other wordsmiths of the highest caliber, and me. Below you will find an announcement, sent out to My Space friends, by none other than Mr. Liam Jackson as to the upcoming launch:

The Southern Literary Syndicate (sLs) Launches Feb. 23rd!
And what, you may ask, is the Southern Literary Syndicate?

The Syndicate is the collaborative effort Liam Jackson, Dave Bean, Nitemareseraph, Perks, Guy Scott, and Alan Deal. Our purpose is to provide you, gentle reader, with essays and humor pieces that, each time, leave you with a personal glimpse of the Deep South. We offer pictures through our words. Sometimes you'll get a polaroid. Other times, you leave with an entire tapestry. But you'll never, ever leave empty of soul or spirit.

The contents of the various essays are well seasoned with Southern flavor to be sure. However, I'm betting that regardless of your home state, region or country of origin, you'll find some common denominators that span the Mason-Dixon, wreck old barriers, and establish new insights into Life, in general.

Music reviews of Southern indy groups, movie and book reviews, essays and humor, and perhaps an interview or two with people of note. You'll be able to find it all within the blogs of our charter members.

For a sample of the fare we intended to offer, I recommend you visit the blogs of our Charter members. Perhaps begin with David Bean and his continuing saga of "Moose."

More on the upcoming launch as the week progresses.

I will not be abandoning my home here, just in case any of you were being hopefully optimistic. For now, I intend to keep My Space nonpolitical in content. I will continue to rant and rave here on those particular subjects that boil the blood and beg for release.

At launch date, you will find the blogs of the charter members, for sLs under a separate heading on my side bar for future reference.

So with those hallowed words that preamble many an interesting southern occurrence, “Hey ya’ll, watch this!”

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