Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Rot in hell

Came across this article today: A mother was arrested on suspicion of murdering her newborn daughter by putting the baby in a microwave oven. If she is the culprit, I hope she burns. The article also mentions another story -

In 2000, a Virginia woman was sentenced to five years in prison for killing her month-old son in a microwave oven. Elizabeth Renee Otte claimed she had no memory of cramming her son in the microwave and turning on the appliance in 1999. Experts said that Otte suffered from epilepsy and that her seizures were followed by blackouts.

This got my blood roiling and made me think about Andrea Yates, John Couey, Carla Lockwood, and the list goes on.

There is no hell hot enough, nor a punishment fitting to make an individual pay appropriately for these types of atrocities. Americans have allowed the justice system to become a pathetic, twisted, apologist, bed-wetting, mockery of a shadow that it once was. When one gives evidence of the complete disregard for the most basic, the very foundation of all rights – the right to life; they have proven themselves a cancer. They have established themselves an animal and have relegated the right to their own life by refusing to acknowledge that others hold the same claim. There is one single and just solution. Death. Sickness is not an excuse. You don't study them, you don't sentence them to 15 years in prison, you stop their oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. Murder of any human is heinous, but the murder of innocent children really drives me over the edge. These cowards should be tied to a chair and wired for sound.

How in the hell can anyone harm a child?


aaron said...

Sadly, there is much worse to report on. I used to live next door (literally) to a home for abused children. Not "Mom spanked me and I cried" abused, or even, "Grandpa felt me up" abused (and I don't mean to imply that the later is acceptable or trivial, it is niether. Just that this center was for the very worst cases of abuse.)No, this was for children emotionally abused to the tune of "my brother gave me to his gang to be raped 22 times in one day, and then beaten unconcious, placed in a laundromat dryer and left to die" type abuse. The girl who told me that story? Nine years old.

Alan Deal said...

It is as enraging as it is incomprehensible.